Monday, November 21, 2011

Sugar Cookies Part II

Tonight I finished one of the more time consuming parts of sugar cookies...the icing. I had about 5 dozen cookies and it took almost 3 hours but in the end they are always worth it.

Sugar Cookie Icing

Gather your supplies
- 1 cup confectioners sugar
- 2 tsp. milk
- 2 tsp. light corn syrup
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1. Stir together sugar and milk
2.  Beat in corn syrup and extract (you can also add food coloring as desired)

Finished Icing
I outline each cookie before spreading with the filler color. The outline color should be a little thicker so it does not run off your cookies and can support the filler color. I make my outline frosting, put it in a ziplock bag, and snip the corner to get a nice thin line when I squeeze it out.

My outline color in my handy ziplock bag
Make sure to let your outline color dry for a few minutes before putting the inside color so it can support the slightly less thick frosting.

Cookie with outline icing and filler color
I also like to apply sprinkles to add additional depth. I added red and yellow for the leaves and added frosting detail for the acorn top with additional icing.

Leaves with additional sugar details
Acorns with additional frosting detail at top

Finished sugar cookies

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